Crayford Baptist Church

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts... - Colossians 3:15

Regular Events

All our regular events listed on this page are open for anyone to attend.
Please call 07492 604367 for more information.

·       Sundays at 10.30am - worship service.
Our Sunday services are held in the church, with special activities for both primary and secondary school children.
The first Sunday morning service in the month is an All Age service, and there is an evening service at 6.30pm on that day with Communion.
The morning service held on the third Sunday in the month also includes Communion.

·      Mondays at 8.00pm - Prayer meeting (on Zoom on alternate Mondays).

·       Tuesdays at 2.00pm - Prayer meeting (monthly, at a member's home).

·       Wednesdays from 9.15-11.00am - Our parent and toddler group, Stay and Play, welcomes parents and carers with their children. It is held at the church (during school terms).

·       Wednesdays at 8.00pm - Bible study on Zoom fortnightly, alternating with home groups that meet on different days in different homes. Call the number below to learn more.

·       Fridays 10.30am - 12.00pm - Coffee morning - a social gathering at the church which will vary from week to week. Sometimes there will be a quiz or a game, and at other times just a chat. There's always cake!

·       Fridays 12.15pm - Prayer meeting  (3rd Friday of the month at the church).

Note re parking:
There is free parking on site but visitors need to input their car registration number into the
screen in the entrance to the building.

CBC is a working name of registered charity Crayford Baptist Church, CIO Registered, No. 1195716
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